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  • 06 Apr 2018

What Is a Periodontal Disease?

Periodontal Disease

Have any idea about a periodontal disease? Before involving into a deep discussion, let’s discuss “what is a periodontal disease?” In the word ‘periodontal’, perio refers to around, whereas dontal means tooth. Periodontal disease is like an infection on the area around the teeth that include periodontal ligament, gums, and alveolar bone. In the early phase of a periodontal problem (gingivitis), this disease affects the gums.

Most of the people take it lightly when their gums bleed after they floss or brush their teeth. According to 1999 study, the U.S. National Institutes of Health’s researchers discovered that most of the Americans above 30 years of age suffered from bleeding gums. Have you been told that you have gum or periodontal disease? No worries, you’re not alone. In the present time, most of the adults are dealing with some kind of health issues. Periodontal problems can include basic gum inflammation to serious dental problems that can result in serious loss to the bones and soft tissues (that support your teeth) or teeth loss.

What are the symptoms of periodontal disease?

Bleeding and swollen gums are the early symptoms of the periodontal disease which represent that gums have been infected with bacteria. If you avoid this issue or no care is done, this infection can extend or destroy the base that supports your jawbone and teeth. Ultimately, your teeth become loose and that can be extracted easily. Whether your periodontal disease is slowed, stopped, or becomes worse, all depends on how well you take care of your gums and teeth every day. Once you’ve observed periodontal disease symptoms, it is better to contact a dental specialist as soon as possible.

What causes periodontal disease?

The periodontal problem is basically caused by bacteria in your dental plaque, a sticky component that forms on the teeth after few hours of brushing. Interestingly, it is the response of your body to the bacterial infection that generates most of the issues. In an effort to remove the bacteria or germs, the cells of the immune system produce some substances that cause the destruction of the gums, inflammation, alveolar bone, and periodontal ligament. As mentioned above, this leads to bleeding and swollen gums, loosening of your teeth, symptoms of gingivitis (primary stage of the periodontal problem), and a sign of serious periodontitis (the advanced phase of this disease).

Risks of Periodontal Disease

As stated above, bacterial plaque buildup is the major reason of periodontal problems. Apart from this, there are several other factors such as medications, oral habits, and other diseases that can contribute to periodontal disease.

Here are some factors that can raise the risk of periodontal diseases or can make the condition worse:

● Smoking
● Use of tobacco
● Genes
● Crowded and misaligned teeth or braces
● Poor nutrition
● Gritting, grinding, and clenching of teeth
● Stress
● Fluctuation of the hormones, and more
● Prevention of the Periodontal Disease

Practicing proper dental hygiene and visiting your dental specialist on a regular basis can help you in preventing periodontal disease. If done properly, regular brushing & flossing can be helpful in eliminating most of the plaque from the teeth. We know it is difficult to reach and clean every corner of your mouth with a toothbrush and floss. Professional dental cleaning by your dental hygienist or dentist is a perfect idea to keep your dental plaque completely clean.

This is all about periodontal disease. To find a gum disease natural remedy, it is better to consult a professional dentist. Take help from Net Pro Referral to find a dental expert in your area.

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