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  • 22 Nov 2017

5 Tips to Master the Art of Networking


Networking for any business is one of the most important aspects of growing a business. Without networking a business owner is like an individual stranded alone on a lonely island.

What is networking? Networking is about interacting with people and engaging with them for mutual benefit. It significantly helps to establish a new business or grow an existing one.

Professional networking is about giving in order to get. But a few basics are to be kept in mind. Offer to assist others and return the favor when you have the chance, ask for advice but not directly for a job, never pressure anyone to help.

Below are Five Ways You Can Use to Master the Art of Networking.

Share Knowledge and Influence to Help Others

Your attitude towards networking should be to help each other instead of being only self-centered. Although it is easy to lose the way as most people do while doing business. Most people look at networking as a way to benefit himself through sourcing new business leads. But this approach is bound to fall short in the long run as networking is all about sharing. If the people with whom you are networking do not get any help from your side or at least do not get the assurance that you too are a potential business asset for them then networking will not be effective between the parties. This is the art of active networking.

Uncover Opportunities

With practice and observation, you will have to sniff out business opportunities from your contacts. You should master the art of introduction and know how to guide your contacts into being an active referral relationship with your business. You will also have to network with targeted individuals based on the kind of business opportunities you are looking for. That means you have to target professionals who are most likely to be in contacts with the most number of your target audience.

Obtain Referrals

It is one of the primary goals of networking. So, take necessary measures to ensure referrals from your contacts while networking. Let your contacts know that you welcome referrals and inspire them to refer you. Educate them about your business, practice, services or products so that they know when to refer you and whom to refer you. Besides, you should also make the referral process easier for them. Such as your business cards should have links to your digital platforms and your digital platforms should readily enable them to refer you.

Learn More About a Position, Organization and Industry

The art of active networking requires learning all that you can about your contacts and their industry. Once you start knowing about other industries and professions you will be able better network with them and you will have many new contacts to incorporate into your network. Newer avenues of networking will be opened up.

Constant Follow-up

What is networking if you do not be in your contacts’ mind? But it is sad but true that after a certain amount of time your contacts will start to forget you if you do not find out a way to be in their minds. In this regard, you have to keep constantly following up with your contacts and referral sources. After initial introduction connect with them through networking sites and social media platforms. Keep yourself visible on their social feeds. Besides, you can also keep following up with your contacts through regular emails or whatever communication channel suits you and your contacts the best. 

Many trusted sources like Verizon, Nielsen and many other surveys and studies have concluded that up to 85% of new business is driven by the power of referrals or word of mouth. And to reap the most out of the referrals there is no other way but the art of active networking. Join NetProReferral to reap the most out of referrals through professional networking.

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